If a dog viciously attacked you or a loved one in the Tampa Area, a dog bite injury attorney at Shocklee Paolino is standing ready to assist in your recovery. We fight for your rights. Our track record of hundreds of victories and millions of dollars recovered gives you confidence in our fight for your legal rights.
Vicious Canine Attacks Against Adults and Children are not uncommon.
Dog attacks can affect all people, but the most common injuries are to children. These terrible attacks cause more emergency room visits than any other for children– including burn injuries.
These attacks could cause serious laceration injuries, especially when they involve children of ages 10 and under. Unfortunately, 77% of these injuries to small kids involve their heads and faces and could also lead to infections and life long visible damage.
Most Assaults By Dogs Happen in the Home
Dog attacks are common in the United States and especially in Florida. The damages are estimated to be over $2 billion dollars per year. At least 61% of American dog attacks happen in the owner’s own home, or immediate neighborhoods. It’s common that even familiar dogs will attack, especially if they are not considered a danger. Many don’t want to have to sue their friends and neighbors, or understand the law as it relates to dogs in general.
Severe injuries and medical bills need to be addressed. When faced with these issues and emotional scarring, insurance companies often covers much of the expenses. However, sometimes insurance can fall short.
Follow These Steps After Enduring a Dog Bite Wound In Tampa Bay.
A hurt person will often feel shell-shocked. They can be emotionally shattered, vulnerable, and even disfigured. Despite feelings of despair, it remains extremely important in the eyes of the law for victims to be diligent in mitigating losses. In fact, this is how they protect injury claims in order to be indemnified. You need to prove your case. These tips can assist:
- Call a first responder – Even if it seems like this is not a major injury. An untreated bite can lead to rabies or serious infection, perhaps also leading to amputation. Even a claw scratch can have severe consequences. Seeing a doctor is vital, even in the emergency room.
- Determine who owns or controls the aberrant animal – Make sure the owner is on notice. So now you can assure the animal becomes secured or quarantined.
- Identify the liability insurance company providing potential coverage – This is crucial. As discussed, there may be more than one policy of insurance. In some cases, your own insurance may provide potential coverage for your wounds.
- Call the local Tampa Bay or St. Petersburg animal control agents, and police, and lodge a complaint – The County dog police, or city animal control officer, may wish to impound the animal to prevent future injuries and test it for mange, rabies, or other disease. They may even discover that the animal has attacked others and declare it to be a danger.
- Preserve Evidence – It is crucial to take photos of the attack location, holes in fences that the dog escaped through, names, addresses, and phone numbers of witnesses or anything else that proves your story and who controls the animal. This can include daily photos of your injury and slow recovery. Preserve your clothes and the blood, dirt, or other issues for the case.
- Contact a dog bite injury attorney – Call Shocklee Paolino Personal Injury Attorneys at (727) 498-8771 to learn more.
Strict Liability in Dog Bite Cases.
In the State of Florida, the legislature has determined that a dog owner is strictly liable when his or her dog bites another person in an animal attack.
So in the Sunshine State the dog is not required be a known “danger.” Here, the owner remains liable for bodily and emotional harm.
Standard and Burden of Proof for Liability To Attach:
In order to recover money, you must first prove:
- Victim was not a trespasser – But the victim must gotten hurt on publicly open property. And if injured on private property, the bad actor must not have had real or implied permission.
- Who owns or controls the dog.
- Victim suffered an injury, for which monetary compensation may be awarded.
Compensation Afforded Victims Includes:
- Lost Wages and Employment – Including time off work, provable loss of contract or job.
- Recovery of Hospital and Therapy Bills – Including future therapy, and past, present, and future medications for mental and physical pain.
- Past, Present and Future Pain and Suffering.
- Home Nursing Care.
- Loss of Consortium – Including love, affection, and other issues.
- Punitive Damages – In extraordinary circumstances a victim can punish the defendant. This is called punitive damages. But you get this only if you can prove the dog owner “sicked” his dog on you (and, as explained above, you were not trespassing in any way). Because that surely would qualify as an intentional act, the defendant must pay extra money. Also, this is compensation beyond the standard general damages award. In fact, this is the way you punish the perpetrator. This is also called “extraordinary damages.”
Shocklee Paolino Personal Injury Attorneys will assist you in finding a doctor if necessary. In other words, we can help you get a physician to work on a lien if you cannot afford the best medical care for you or your child. We understand that a child injured by a dog bite wound need more than physical care. So we can help you locate a psychiatrist to help with the emotional difficulties of an attack by a dangerous animal.
When a child is attacked by an animal, parents are also indirect victims of dog bites and other animal attacks. Call our legal guru and speak with an experienced, leading Florida dog bite attorney expert immediately. Don’t hesitate. Learn about our no win no fee promise, at (727) 498-8771.