Swimming Pool Drowning Accident: When Do You Need a Drowning Lawyer?

Swimming Pool drowning accidents are much more common than you’d imagine as each year, thousands of people die, and many more are injured in drowning accidents in the U.S. alone. Most people are clueless as to what they need to do if they or their loved one has drowned in a swimming pool accident. In this article, we explain swimming pool drowning accidents and when it is appropriate to hire an experienced drowning lawyer.
Swimming Pool Accidents
Swimming Pool accidents are among the leading cause of unintentional deaths in the U.S. It is reported that over 7,000 people die annually due to swimming pool accidents, while another 60,000 receive emergency treatment for injuries caused by such accidents. Every 1 in 4 victims of swimming pool accidents is a male child under the age of 14.
Swimming Pool Drownings
According to most recent stats from World Health Organization (WHO), drowning is the leading cause of unintentional death across the globe, with an average of 372,000 people dying due to drowning. In the U.S., the situation is also similar as drowning remains one of the significant causes of death and fatal injuries.
Most drowning deaths are caused due to varying levels and types of negligence, and the owner/operator has a duty of care towards the people who are swimming in the swimming pool. A victim of drowning has a right to compensation for any injury suffered and relatives of a victim who has died can also seek compensation for their loss from the owner of the swimming pool as swimming pool owners are held responsible for injury or death caused due to their mistakes.
When do you need a Drowning Lawyer?
Drowning cases are quite complicated as the victim needs to prove that he doesn’t share any responsibility for his drowning and the death or injury was caused due to negligence of the owner or the owner doesn’t follow the statutory safety requirements.
Due to the complexity of such cases, you should immediately seek the assistance of an experienced attorney who has dealt with drowning cases in the past. You shouldn’t not settle out of court or talk with the insurance company or the owner/operator of the swimming pool where the accident occurred without consulting with your attorney first.
Get the Help of an Experienced Drowning Lawyer at SP Justice
Not all attorneys have the necessary experience in handling drowning cases, as this is a specific niche in personal injury law. SP Justice has some of the most experienced drowning lawyers in Florida and our experts have helped hundreds of people get compensation for their accidents in the past.
You can contact us for a free consultation as we are always eager to help victims of drowning accidents and offer a free consultation to all interested clients. To book an appointment, call us at (727) 498-8771 or drop us an email at our contact us page.
Drowning Lawyer, Swimming Pool Drowning Accident, Swimming Pool Drowning Accidents, When Do You Need a Drowning Lawyer