Hiring a Tampa Injury Attorney: Top 4 Mistakes You Should Avoid

Most people don’t have any idea how to hire a Tampa injury attorney, and this often leads to poor choices, which subsequently affect the outcome of your claim and may lead to much lower compensation for your injury claim. In this article, we outlined some common mistakes to avoid when hiring a Tampa injury attorney. Here are the top ones you should avoid:
1. Paying an Attorney Upfront
Injury lawyers usually work on a contingency fee basis, which means that you don’t owe your lawyer anything unless you win compensation from the insurance company or guilty party. Most injury lawyers take around 25% to 40% of the amount won by them during a personal injury claim. This safeguards the interests of the victim and protects him or her from giving payment without any result. Don’t ever agree to pay the fee of an accident injury attorney upfront as this eliminates your attorney’s motivation to seek the best possible outcome.
2. Hiring an Inexperienced Attorney
This is perhaps the most common and harmful mistake committed by some people. Nothing can weaken your case as much as hiring an inexperienced attorney, and in many cases, this may lead to zero compensation for the injuries suffered by the victim. There is no substitute for experience and insurance companies know this, that’s why they’ll often look to take advantage of a legal representative who isn’t well versed in the intricacies of injury law.
3. Lawyers with a reputation for settling less than the amount claimed
Some lawyers want to avoid the inside of a courtroom at any cost and thus often settle a claim for a lot less to avoid litigation against an insurance company. These lawyers may resolve a claim lot sooner, although the compensation which they get for their clients is pitiful when compared to the possible outcome if the case had been properly and thoroughly managed. Insurance companies keep track of such attorneys and use pressuring tactics so that they can pay lower compensation to victims. Avoid such lawyers at all costs.
4. Hiring a Cheap Attorney
Some lawyers quote lower fees to win customers. Most often these lawyers lack the required skills for getting compensation and lower their prices to attract new clients. The adage “you get what you pay for” is also true in the legal industry as almost all the attorneys worth their salt never lower their fee to get new clients. So, avoid lawyers who use low fees as bait.
We’ve tried to identify some of the common mistakes committed by victims of personal injury accidents when hiring a Tampa injury attorney and hope that this article helps you avoid these mistakes and find the best lawyer to file your claim and win compensation for the injuries you or your loved one suffered.
If you need a competent and experienced personal injury representation in Tampa, don’t hesitate to speak to the lawyers at Shocklee Paolino at (727) 498-8771, or send a message through this contact form to schedule a free legal consultation.
Hiring a Tampa Injury Attorney, Mistakes to Avoid Hiring a Tampa Injury Attorney, Tampa Injury Attorney