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St. Petersburg Tractor Trailer Accident: How to Protect Yourself If You Got Injured

Tractor trailer and truck accidents lead to more than 4,000 deaths in the US each year.  They are considered to be among the worst kind of auto accidents as most tractor trailers are much heavier than your average car and due to their large size and weight, it’s quite natural that more people get killed or injured as compared to a car accident.

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St. Petersburg Tractor Trailer Accident: What to Do If You Got Involved?

There are more than 2 million trucks and tractor-trailers operating in the US which cover almost 100 billion miles a year traveling across the country.  It’s quite normal that so many trucks will also lead to a high number of accidents.  These vehicles are responsible for more than 480,000 road accidents in the US each year.

Tractor Trailer accidents account for a large portion of road accidents and past statistics prove this.  In 2016, for example, there were 44,307 commercial crashes in Florida.  In 2015, 3,852 people died in large trucks and tractor trailer accidents in Florida.  Among the dead, an overwhelming 69% were car passengers, 16% were truck occupants, and 15% were pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorists.

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Injured in An Uber Accident in Tampa? You Should Know These Things!

Ridesharing services such as Uber have become quite popular over the past few years in Florida.  It’s very natural that with the increasing number of people traveling via Uber, accidents involving Uber drivers also increased proportionally.

Uber and other similar ridesharing services are quite different than taxis.  If you or a loved one is injured in an Uber accident, then things may turn out to be complicated because Uber uses a unique, technology driven business model.  So, here are some important things which you must know in case you got involved in an Uber accident as there are several factors which will dictate the amount of compensation you may get for your damages.

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Injured in A Lyft Accident in Florida: What You Need to Do?

Ridesharing services such as Uber and Lyft are becoming increasingly popular in the US and across the world.  These services have indeed revolutionized how we travel and have disrupted the cab/taxi industry.  The number of accidents involving Lyft drivers has also increased dramatically.

In this article, we will share some tips and will guide you about some best-practices for what you need to do after getting injured in a Lyft accident in Florida.

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St. Petersburg Lyft Accident: What You Need to Know

More and more people are using ridesharing services such as Uber and Lyft in the US and across the world.  Thus, it’s quite natural that the number of accidents involving vehicles from these companies is also on the rise.  A normal car accident is by itself quite complex because you may not get awarded all the damages, involving a paid third party driver increases the complexity of the situation. The St. Petersburg Lyft Accident Attorneys at Shocklee Paolino are well versed in handling the intricacies of a Lyft accident.

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What are the Common Causes of Slip and Fall Accident?

Slip and fall accidents are among the most common causes of personal injuries due to negligence, and according to The Occupational Safety and Health Administration, are responsible for almost 15% of all accidental deaths in the United States.

Unlike other accidents, slip and fall accidents can occur at any place such as at work, at the shopping mall, at a friend’s house, at home, or at any other place.

Slip and fall accidents often lead to severe and sometimes permanent injuries which can often prove fatal and this is especially true for small children and the elderly.

Common Causes of Slip and Fall Accidents

Surface conditions are a prime culprit in slip and fall accidents. Surface conditions may include the following:

  • Uneven surfaces without a warning sign
  • Potholes in parking lots
  • Recently mopped or waxed floors
  • Loose floorboards, rugs, or mats, often on stairs
  • Grease or oil which has not been removed from the floor
  • Spilled liquids that are not cleaned up

Environmental conditions come next.  They are also a leading cause of slip and fall accidents. Environmental conditions include the following:

  • Poor lighting which makes it difficult to see obstacles
  • Trash or debris on the floor
  • Bright light reflecting on a shiny floor
  • Cords or wires across walkways
  • Open desk or cabinet drawers

Ladders and stairs come next because several slip and fall accidents take place on ladders while climbing up or down. Ladders and stairs conditions include the following:

  • Failure to secure a ladder or not having someone to hold it
  • Lack of a handrail or not using it when climbing stairs
  • Rushing up or down on a stair or taking multiple steps instead of one
  • Using a chair, stool or other piece of furniture instead of a ladder

Some industries and occupations are more prone to slip and fall accidents due to the nature of work. These include factory workers, manual laborers, and workers in the construction industry, as well as chefs and other kitchen workers.

It’s a good idea to be careful of any uneven surface, obstacle, and danger-prone environmental condition.  Being careful can help you avoid a painful slip and fall accident.

If you are a business owner, you need to be even more careful because a slip and fall injury that happens on your premise can lead to a lawsuit in which you can be held liable and may have to pay a hefty compensation to the injured or affected persons.


If you or your loved one got seriously injured because of a slip and fall accident, call our legal gurus and speak with an experienced, leading Florida slip and fall attorney immediately. Don’t hesitate. Learn about our no win, no fee promise by contacting us at (727) 498-8771.

Proving Liability in a Slip and Fall Case

Slip and fall is one of the most common and often unnoticed types of accident which can happen to anyone. In some slip and fall cases, you can sustain serious injuries which can alter your life. This article explains the legal recourse options after a slip and fall injury and would dwell on the hot topic of Liability which plays a central role in any slip and fall case.

Liability in the simplest terms mean whether the owner of a premises or his representatives/employees can be held accountable for the injury caused to you in a slip and fall accident. You need to prove that the owner of the property is liable for your injuries in order to win an insurance settlement or a personal injury lawsuit.

Theories of Liability in Slip and Fall Cases

In slip and fall injury cases a person is usually required to prove either of the following:

  • Property owner or their employee should have recognized an existing dangerous condition, such as an uneven walking surface or a pothole and should have repaired the damage. The main thing is that the dangerous situation should have been visible to a “reasonable” person and whether the respondent has ample opportunity or time to remedy the situation before the accident.
  • Property owner or one of their employees actually caused the accident. For example, by leaving an obstacle in the walking path and it was reasonably foreseeable that someone slip and fall because of it.

Proving Negligence and Liability

You must pay close attention to the word “reasonable” here as it often comes up in slip and fall injury lawsuits. The legal theory suggests that a person can be held negligent if he failed to act as a reasonably prudent person would have acted to avoid injury to any visitor.

You also need to prove that you, yourself, are not responsible for the injury because if you are, the jury will hold you liable for 25% of the injury, and your compensation will be reduced by 25%.

Different states have separate laws and legal doctrines which dictate how much compensation you can get. Proving liability in a slip and fall case is essential for getting any compensation for the damages and injuries you sustained.

Florida, for example, follows the pure comparative negligence doctrine which stipulates that each person can be held liable only for their share in an injury, and if you are suing for compensation in Florida, you can get compensation from the property owner only for his share of liability.


If you, someone you know, or a loved one has been injured in a slip and fall accident, St. Petersburg accident attorneys Shocklee & Paolino are on hand to help. If you don’t understand your rights and the complexities of a slip and fall accident case, you may lose the opportunity to receive the compensation you are entitled to.  Contact us today at (727) 498-8771 for a free, no-obligation consultation.

Dog Bite Injuries: What You Need to Do About Its Long-Term Effects

According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, 4.5 million people in the U.S suffer dog bite injuries every year. Other statistics suggest that 1 out of 775 people seek emergency care for dog bites. A large number of victims are boys between the ages of 5 and 9 because they are a soft target for stray dogs.

Jaws of large dogs can exert more than 450 pounds of pressure per square inch which leads to a crush injury that may include lacerations, avulsion, and puncture wounds.

Dog bites may initially seem to be minor, but in many cases, these small bites are proven fatal, and even in cases of nonfatal dog bites, there is a high risk of infections and diseases because several animal diseases can be transmitted to humans.

Assessing Bites

Healthcare providers including nurses and doctors must thoroughly assess dog bites and they must closely examine the wound for lacerations, punctures, avulsions, and crush injuries. It’s always a good practice to take notice of any damage to tendons, nerves, vasculature, ligaments, and bones.

A large number of victims approach court for compensation, so it’s a good idea to keep all the injuries documented. You must keep a record of all your physical examination findings, including measurements of the wound.

A victim must also keep a record of drug allergies along with past medical conditions such as diabetes, liver disease, and immunosuppression. You will also need to note previous tetanus and rabies vaccinations too.


Before medical intervention and treatment, the wound should be thoroughly washed with water and soap.  The soap has antiviral properties that can help prevent a rabies infection if the wound is cleaned fast enough and thoroughly enough. In case of infection, the first signs will be available within 24 hours after the bite.

Different antibiotics can be prescribed by a medical professional for varying durations based on the type of wound. If the wound is superficial or there is a low risk of infection, then antibiotics are prescribed for 3 to 7 days, but in cases of a serious wound accompanied by inflammation, antibiotics are prescribed for 10 to more.


Dog bites can prove to be fatal in many cases and a victim must almost always immediately seek medical treatment because even superficial wounds can lead to serious health issues and infections if left untreated.

It’s possible to get compensation for the damage caused by dog bites because a victim can normally claim compensation for the following damages:

  • Recovery of Hospital and Therapy Bills
  • Lost Wages and Employment
  • Home Nursing Care
  • Past, Present, and Future Pain and Suffering

If your child was attacked by an animal, as parents, you are also considered indirect victims. Call our legal gurus and speak with an experienced, leading Florida dog bite attorney immediately. Don’t hesitate. Learn about our no win no fee promise, at (727) 498-8771.