Scooter Injury Lawyer

Scooter Injury Lawyer: How to File an Electric Scooter Accident Claim?

Electric scooters have become increasingly popular across all cities in the US over the last few years. Accidents involving electric scooters have also risen proportionally.  Many people consider them a danger to public safety while others argue that they are essential for reducing the pollution caused by more traditional motorized vehicles.

Who Should Be Liable in an Electric Scooter Accident?

Accidents involving electric scooters may lead to both minor and severe injuries such as bruises, cuts, strains, sprains, scrapes, broken bones, fractures, herniated disks, traumatic head injuries, and lacerations.

An electric scooter accident is treated like any other road accident across all states.   The person responsible may be held liable for the damages and injuries caused by it.

Electric scooters are not allowed on the sidewalks and must be used only in dedicated bike lanes.  If an accident occurs on a sidewalk, then the scooter rider is generally held liable for the accident and damages.

If the driver of any other vehicle such as a car, motorcycle, or a truck is responsible for an electric scooter accident, then his or her insurance provider may be held liable for the damages.

If the accident occurs due to a manufacturing defect or faulty design or malfunction of the scooter, then the scooter company will be held liable for the accident.

How to File an Electric Scooter Accident Claim?

Filing an electric scooter accident claim is a complicated legal procedure which often requires the help of a qualified and experienced scooter accident attorney.  You must have the supporting evidence such as police reports, medical reports, and photos of the accident ready before filing a claim.

The next step is to get in touch with the attorney, so that he can study your case and guide you further.

What is the Compensation for an Electric Scooter Accident?

A Scooter Injury Lawyer can get you compensation for an electric scooter accident for the following types of damages:

  • Past and future lost wages
  • Past and future medical expenses
  • Pain, suffering and psychological damage
  • The loss of personal property

Get the Help of an Electric Scooter Injury Lawyer

You can get in touch with SPJustice as your Scooter Injury Lawyer for a free consultation.  We are one of the leading electric scooter accident attorneys in the state of Florida and have helped hundreds of accident victims in the past.  You may also call us at (727) 498-8771 and schedule an appointment if you are ready to file an electric scooter accident claim.

SP Justice:
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