Top 5 Symptoms Your Child was Injured During Birth

Giving birth is probably one of the most difficult moments of having a child because it puts both the mother and child at risk. One particular situation that no mother would choose to go through is when their child gets injured during the birthing process.

There are birth injuries that are not easy to distinguish because the signs or symptoms only show up a week or a month later.

Thus, it is very crucial that you are equipped with the knowledge on how to distinguish the symptoms of birth injury.

If you suspect your child got injured, you must immediately consult your pediatrician, and, if ever, the injury is caused by the negligence of your healthcare provider, don’t hesitate to consult with experienced birth injury lawyers to know your legal options.

5 Symptoms Your Baby was Injured During Birth

According to statistics, 1 in every 9,714 people in the country are born with a birth injury.  Brachial Plexus Palsy, bone fractures, cephalohematoma, and facial paralysis are among the most common reported injuries.

The problem now is, how can you determine if your child got injured during birth? Here are the top signs and symptoms that your baby was injured during birth.

1. Fractured Bones

A study reported that there are 35 cases of bone injuries which gives an incidence of 1 per 1,000 live births.  Here’s exactly the detail of the report lifted out from their page.

Clavicle was the most common bone fractured (45.7%) followed by humerus (20%), femur (14.3%) and depressed skull fracture (11.4%) in the order of frequency. There was one case each of orbital fracture, epiphyseal separation of lower end of femur and dislocation of elbow joint.

Fractured bones is often a result of a difficult delivery.  If your pediatrician confirms that your child has fractured bones in the upper body, this is more likely the result of a difficult delivery.

On the other hand, broken or fractured bones in the legs, arms, and lower body could be a sign of birth injury as a result of a traumatic birth, inappropriate use of delivery instruments, or worse, negligence of your healthcare provider.

2. Facial Nerve Paralysis

This symptom is actually difficult to spot especially because of the fact that infants cannot yet clearly communicate if they are feeling ill.

Facial nerve palsy is actually caused by birth trauma.  According to MedlinePlus, this is characterized by the loss of controllable muscle of an infant’s face due to pressure on the facial nerve in the face just before or at the time of birth.

In most cases, it is difficult to know the cause of facial nerve palsy, but there are factors that can cause birth trauma, which include large baby size, long pregnancy or labor, use of epidural anesthesia, and the use of medicine to cause labor and stronger contractions.

3. Seizures

This symptom occurs due to oxygen deprivation, nerve damage, abnormal brain chemistry, or may be a result of a traumatic birth injury.

Some medical emergencies that can cause seizures in newly born infants include delayed delivery, trauma to the baby’s brain during delivery, fetal distress, ruptured uterus, and cord compression.

4. Feeding Difficulties

If your infant has difficulties swallowing, sucking, or feeding, these are probable signs of a brain hemorrhage or cerebral palsy, which is usually caused by a birth injury.

If you suspect that there’s really something wrong, consult your pediatrician right away to determine what caused the feeding difficulty.

5. Arched Back Crying

Does your infant arch his back when he cries? This could be a sign of a birth injury.  Arched back crying is a sign of a nerve injury.  It can also be caused by cerebral palsy which is related to a birth injury.

If you suspect your baby arches his back while crying is caused by a birth injury, consult your pediatrician immediately to determine the real cause.


Contact a St. Petersburg Birth Injury Lawyer at SP Justice

Have you confirmed your suspicions that what your child is going through is a result of a birth injury? If you have, it’s time you determine if your healthcare provider has something to do with it.  Once you confirmed that it has to do with their negligence, don’t waste your time.  Know your legal options by contacting the birth injury attorneys of Shocklee Paolino today at (727) 498-8771.  Consultation is free.

SP Justice:
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